A violent conflict must be defused by the European side in cooperation with the United States. Right now it seems to be the other way around: Washington has the Whatsapp Mobile Number List initiative. However, the heads of government in Berlin and Paris have engaged in much diplomacy in recent weeks. Even the Weimar Triangle was revived, that is, consultations between Germany, France and Poland. The initiatives will come from the main Member States, in coordination with the European Union. That in terms of politics.
In terms of content, the important thing Whatsapp Mobile Number List will be to prepare options that reduce tensions in Europe. That is the short-term political approach. In the medium term, the aim will be to retake arms control, Whatsapp Mobile Number List weapons. And from there it will then be possible to deduce, or not, if we will return in the long term to the aforementioned Lisbon Declaration, to cooperative and indivisible security in Europe.
At the moment we are very far from that. There is no stable status quo . What's worse, we find ourselves in the midst of a very insecure transformation. But the objective of European security policy must not be reduced to observing Whatsapp Mobile Number List classical military security. Security also includes welfare and social security, as well as the human dimension, as defined by the OSCE: pluralism, human rights and democracy. This perspective will only exist if we act together.